Η αρνηση της Μερκελ να συμμετασχει ο στρατος της Γερμανίας στην επιθεση κατά της Λιβύης.
Στο παρακάτω αυθεντικό κείμενο του δημοσιευματος, δίνονται λεπτομέρειες του συμβάντος, οπως επισης υπενθυμίζεται οτι η CIA χρησιμοποιησε την ίδια μεθοδο για εξόντωση αμερικανού γερουσιαστη το 2002 ώστε οι ρεπουμπλικάνοι να μπορέσουν να περάσουν την έγκριση για επέμβαση στο Ιράκ.!
Επισης επισημαινεται, οτι την επομένη του συμβάντος, η Α.Μέρκελ εξεφρασε την συμπαράστασή της για την επέμβαση στην Λιβύη.!
A shocking report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states that the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) attempted to assassinate German Chancellor Angela Merkel [photo top right] this past week after her refusal to allow Germany to participate in any military actions against Libya.
According to this report, Merkel was enroute to Rickenbach, located in the Baden-Württemberg district, aboard her AS 332L2 Super Puma Mk 2 Eurocopter [photo bottom left] piloted and crewed by the Bundespolizei (BPOL) when she made an “unscheduled” campaign stop in Waldshut-Tiengen intending to drive to Rickenbach instead of flying.
On its flight to Rickenbach, this report continues, the Super Puma Merkel was supposed to be on “suddenly” lost power to both of its engines and plunged nearly 2,000 feet before its police crew was able to regain control of it before it crashed.
An unnamed police official told London’s Daily Mail News Service about this near catastrophe “It's a precarious situation when both engines go out at the same time. The crew acted just as they were supposed to and got the engines going again.” The lives of the three-man crew were saved by the aircraft’s ‘autorotation’ capability. This means that the force of air hitting a falling helicopter’s rotors makes them turn and slows the descent in the event of an engine failure, giving the pilots crucial time to save their lives. Experts, also, told Germany’s Bild am Sonntag News Service “that sabotage has been ruled out.”
According to the SVR, however, the “sabotage” being spoken about by these German experts was “without doubt” caused by an Electromagnetic Pulse Device (EMP) developed under contract in the late 1990’s by the United States Department of Justice under the title of “Evaluation of Vehicle Stopping Electromagnetic Prototype Devices.”
Though the EMP devices being developed in the US were supposedly to be used on fleeing vehicles, this report continues, the CIA has employed them to bring down aircraft too, such as the air crash that killed US Senator Paul David Wellstone (1944-2002) allowing the US Senate to be taken over by the Republican Party thus allowing President Bush to launch his war against Iraq.
Merkel had gained the ire of the CIA when the day before her attempted murder she blocked the United States plan to establish a no-fly zone over Libya.
The day after , however, Merkel stopped objecting to the Libyan no-fly zone, but with her Foreign Minister, Guido Westerwelle, stating, “Germany has a strong friendship with our European partners. But we won't take part in any military operation and I will not send German troops to Libya.”
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